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The Facts About Justin Holland

Don't Be Fooled - Get The Facts


Real Estate Allegations

The Texans for Prosperity PAC, backed by the Huffines family—who have been political adversaries of Justin Holland and opponents of certain special district developments in his district (Trilogy MUD which Justin fought)—spread false accusations and lies to undermine Holland's credibility during a critical phase of the election. These accusations were aimed at discrediting Holland in favor of a candidate endorsed by the Huffines, following a previously unsuccessful gubernatorial campaign supported by the same candidate (Katrina Pierson).

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Justin Holland was designated and court-appointed by a County Court as the receiver for an estate, tasked with managing the assets of the deceased due to a familial disagreement on asset division, specifically selling real property.

Owing to his reputable background in real estate within Rockwall County, Holland was selected to oversee the estate's assets and facilitate their sale. His involvement in land and development sales, backed by a comprehensive network of local buyers, positioned him as a suitable candidate for this role.

However, disputes arose over the proposed sales price of the property, leading to contention but no "discounts" were offered. The disagreement centered on the perceived value of the property, with the family holding unrealistic expectations regarding the price and process of disposal of the court orders. Holland, facing an impasse, opted to cancel the contract and sought to be released from his duties—a request that the court approved. 

Consequently, the property remains unsold to this day, complicated further by its location in a floodplain and its unattractiveness for development.  

Efforts to sell the property continue, with the new court-appointed receiver even reaching out to Holland multiple times for further assistance in presenting potential contracts to the family.


Justin Holland wrongfully voted to impeach Ken Paxton

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When the Attorney General's own conservative deputies found out that Paxton was abusing the office–giving out legal favors in order to cover up his sexual affair–they reported Paxton to law enforcement. After a thorough investigation, 70% of House Republicans, including Justin, impeached Paxton and sent his case to trial in the Texas Senate.


Just recently, Paxton admitted to the impeachment charges–no longer contesting the whistleblower's lawsuit! And Paxton is desperately attempting every legal maneuver to avoid testifying under oath and letting the full truth come out. In all likelihood, once Paxton is compelled to testify in his own case, he will plead the fifth.


Conservative State Senator Drew Springer has come forward calling for a reopening of the impeachment proceedings. Regardless of the outcome, Justin Holland will always protect Texans from alleged corruption and abuses of power.


Justin Holland is a gun-grabber

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Statement from Justin Holland:


"Amid the false attacks on my pro-2nd Amendment stance, I want to set the record straight. I championed Constitutional Carry, eliminating firearm licensing, and made Texas a 2nd Amendment sanctuary state. I have a perfect voting record with the NRA except disagreeing with them on one vote–I backed a committee bill raising the age to buy an AR-15 from 18 to 21.

The bill, after the Uvalde school shooting, would hinder misuse by disturbed, young individuals. Though it may not prevent every school shooting, it would have prevented that one. I don't advocate for a ban on AR-15s. In fact, I own several myself. It’s that I believe increasing the age limit enhances safety without compromising our 2nd Amendment rights. I prioritize our children and the Constitution. That’s my position–shared by the vast majority of Republicans in my district."


Justin Holland voted against school choice

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Justin fully supports school choice and parents having the flexibility and option to decide the best education option for their children. What Justin does not support is diverting your tax dollars away from public schools in favor of private school vouchers with no accountability for how those dollars are spent. Additionally, the voucher proposal came with a $2 billion dollar liability that could lead to billions in tax hikes and had no provisions excluding illegal immigrants from receiving the $10,500 vouchers. The proposal had big problems, but Holland had no problem voting against it. He stands with our public schools, parents, teachers, and students.


Justin Holland voted to support the observation of Muslim holidays

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Republican leaders in Texas have condemned a misleading ad campaign by the Texas Family Project, falsely accusing GOP lawmakers of supporting Sharia law and child gender transitioning. The campaign, criticized for trying to divide voters on religious lines, is part of a larger network linked to political consulting firm Pale Horse Strategies and its controversial practices.

As a Christian legislator, my commitment is to uphold the values of freedom, respect, and dignity for all individuals, regardless of their faith or background.

The accusations of voting for legislation that promotes Sharia law are not only unfounded but also misrepresent the spirit of the votes in question.

These “votes” were to recognize, in congratulatory resolution, the cultural and religious practices of Muslim Texans in the Houston area during Eid-al-Fitr and Ramadan, which is in line with our state’s tradition of acknowledging many house districts’ traditions and customs. Much like mine to congratulate the Rockwall Sheriff's Department for turning 150 years old. There are hundreds or thousands of these resolutions a year. It does not cost the state extra money.

It’s crucial to clarify that acknowledging religious holidays does not equate to endorsing a specific religious law or governance. Instead, it reflects our commitment to religious freedom and the recognition of the diverse fabric of Texas.

Our Constitution guarantees the freedom of religion, and it’s our duty as legislators to ensure that all citizens can freely practice their faith without fear or discrimination.

Let us not allow misinformation to divide us. Instead, let’s focus on what unites us: a shared commitment to liberty, justice, and the common good. We must stand together, respecting each other’s differences and working towards a more inclusive and understanding community. As a Christian, I believe in loving our neighbors as ourselves, and that includes respecting the rights and beliefs of all, just as I hope others will respect mine.


Justin Holland voted against teacher pay increases

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Justin Holland is our strongest champion for teacher pay raises. There was a $4,000 pay raise on the table as part of the larger education funding package. Holland was ready to pass it! But the pay raises were held hostage by voucher proponents, who killed the entire bill after their provision was voted down on the House Floor. It was all or nothing for them–and it was the pro-voucher proponents who defeated teacher pay raises. Now, facing tremendous backlash from local educators, Justin's pro-voucher opponents have taken to falsely accusing him of opposing teacher pay raises. The exact opposite is true and local teachers have come forward to set the record straight: Justin Holland stands with our teachers no matter what.


Justin Holland voted to increase his own pension

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There’s been an absolute false mailing sent out by my opponents claiming I voted to raise my pension. Just another lie. The bill this deceitful anti-Republican group is referring to tied judges’ salaries to the consumer price index to keep up with inflation. It did not affect State Rep. pensions at all.

Local Fox News reported these lies just days ago. They called them, “a patently false piece of political advertising being disseminated by a shady political action committee. It not only never happened, it was never even proposed.“ Watch the news story here:


In fact, as the news story revealed, this group is, "...completely comfortable lying to voters in a generally despicable fashion.”


Justin Holland voted to allow grants to hospitals providing gender modification to minors

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Justin's deceitful opponents have twisted the facts surrounding a mental health grant to falsely claim he supports transgender health care on kids–when the exact opposite is true. Justin voted for and championed Senate Bill 14, which successfully banned all gender modification surgeries on minors. That bill is now the law of the land. Justin will always protect our children and our Christian values without compromise. Don’t believe their desperate lies.

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